If you are a U.S. citizen, permanent resident alien, or eligible noncitizen, apply for need-based aid and federal student loans using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (the “FAFSA”). Plan to file once a year, for each academic year you hope to receive aid.
- NCF School Code: 039574
- NCF Priority 2025-26 FAFSA Filing Deadline: February 1, 2025
Complete These Steps to Apply for Financial Aid
Step 1: Apply for a Federal Student Aid ID (FSAID)
You — and your parent if you are a dependent student — will first need to obtain a FSAID: click here.
Using your Federal Student Aid ID, complete the FAFSA tied to the academic year for which you are seeking aid. (For example, use the 2025-2026 FAFSA if you are seeking aid for the academic year that begins in August 2025.) The 2025-2026 FAFSA is available beginning December 1, 2024 and you will need to use 2023 tax year information to complete it. Click here to access the FAFSA.
Be sure to indicate New College’s school code — 039574 — so we will receive your FAFSA information.
NCF Priority 2025-26 FAFSA Filing Deadline: February 1, 2025
Meet the priority FAFSA filing deadline if you want to be eligible for the best possible aid package.
If you miss the priority deadline, you should still file; just note that late filing may have an effect on your award and delay disbursement of your federal aid.
Once your FAFSA is processed by the Department of Education, you will receive an email requesting that you log on to the FAFSA website and review your FAFSA information. This report is called the FAFSA Submission Summary. Verify the information on this report and — if necessary — make corrections.
Roughly one out of every three applicants filing the FAFSA is selected for a process called Verification by the U.S. Department of Education. If you are selected you will be required to provide additional documentation to Financial Aid before your eligibility can be approved and any aid distributed.
Click here for more information on the verification process.
After your FAFSA is complete, you will receive a Financial Aid Offer letter from our office. All of your financial aid will be itemized on this Offer letter, in addition to costs. New students: Be sure to read the Financial Aid Guide accompanying your Offer letter; it provides the terms of your aid and conditions for maintaining financial aid eligibility.
Students with Florida Prepaid:
Please note this will NOT be displayed on your Financial Aid Offer letter. Florida Prepaid is a separate program, handled out of our Finance office; the associated credits will be reflected on your bill. For questions on the Florida Prepaid program please email the START Center at [email protected] or call 941-487-4635.
All financial aid funds are applied directly to your New College account, which is administered by the Finance Office. Your account consists of all educational fees, food and housing, and any other school charges. One-half of your aid is credited to your account for the fall semester and the other half is credited for the spring semester. If your financial aid exceeds your school charges, the Finance Office will pay the balance to you by direct deposit or as you indicated on the Title IV Authorization Form.
Use of Social Security Numbers
The NCF Office of Admissions and Financial Aid collects and uses Social Security Numbers (SSN’s) as necessary for the performance of the College’s duties and responsibilities, taking appropriate measures to secure SSN’s from unauthorized access.