What is the Federal Work Study Program?
The main objective of student employment programs is financial support, but on-the-job experience is also important. Ideally, students find jobs related to their interests, talents, and vocations and leave school with valuable work experience.
The Federal Work Study program was authorized and funded by the United States Congress in 1965 for students with a documented need for help with college expenses. Beginning in 2001, New College established a similar program geared toward helping New College students fund their education.
Although New College federal work study positions should be viewed as regular jobs with normal duties and responsibilities, these jobs differ from others in several ways. First, these jobs should allow students flexibility in scheduling work hours.
Secondly, federal work study is part of a student’s financial aid package. Because federal and state regulations prohibit students employed through this program from receiving more financial aid than the amount allowed by their documented need, the Financial Aid Office must sometimes revise awards for students who receive additional resources. Therefore, the Financial Aid Office cannot guarantee the permanency of a student’s work eligibility. Both students and their campus employers should periodically check the student’s aid status and available funding.
A normal work week for students cannot exceed 20 hours, generally consisting of two or three consecutive hours, four or five days per week. These salaries are minimum wage, unless otherwise requested by the supervisor and approved.
In order to be eligible for federal work study, students must meet the following general requirements:
- Be enrolled at least half-time at New College for the awarded semesters
- Be a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen. In general, Eligible Non-Citizens are permanent residents with an Alien Registration Card (I-551); a conditional permanent resident (I551C); or an Eligible Non-Citizen with an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service showing any one of the following designations: “Refugee,” “Asylum Granted,” “Indefinite Parole,” “Humanitarian Parole” or “Cuban-Haitian Entrant.” A student who is in the U.S. on an F1 or F2 student visa, a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa, or a G series visa (pertaining to international organizations) is not eligible for federal work study.
- Have a valid Social Security Number
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the current academic year
- Apply and be determined eligible by the Financial Aid Office
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as determined by the Financial Aid Office
- Not be in default on a Title IV loan (Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Perkins Loan or Federal Direct Loan) or owe an overpayment on a Title IV grant (Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG or Federal Robert Byrd Grant) or Title IV loan
Students interested in obtaining federal work study employment should be directed to the Financial Aid Office for a determination of their eligibility. The Center for Engagement and Opportunity (CEO) will provide information regarding open positions. Department/Division supervisors in need of federal work study students should submit requests for students prior to the Fall semester each year; the Human Resources Department will notify Fiscal Liaisons of the specific date. Late requests for students or jobs will be considered as funding allows.
The Financial Aid Office is responsible for allocating these funds according to federal regulations and institutional policies to eligible students. The number of students assigned to each department can vary from semester-to-semester depending on funding levels, the needs of the College and the needs of the individual students.
- Available Federal Work Study positions will be posted at the Center for Engagement and Opportunity (CEO). Once you find a position that you are interested in, please contact the hiring department representative listed on the vacancy announcement.
- Once an offer has been made, you will be required to complete either new hire or rehire paperwork in the Human Resources Department. To complete the necessary paperwork, you will need the proper original identification to complete the I-9 Form (Eligibility to work in the US); a list of acceptable original documents will be provided to you. If you are a rehire you will be required to update a few forms, which may include the I-9 Form (Eligibility to work in the US). The Fiscal Liaison will schedule your appointment to report to HR and will notify you of what forms will be required.
- Upon being hired, you and your supervisor will receive a work permit from the Human Resources Department. The work permit provides details to your campus employer regarding your eligible work dates and award amount. Your employer will keep a copy and it is recommended that you also retain your copy. This form will help you and your campus employer monitor your earnings.
- Contact your employer to begin work. Once you are hired by a department, you must contact them directly to discuss job responsibilities and to set up your work schedule. You will discuss and sign a Work Study Contract and Confidentiality Agreement with your employer. The original Contract and Agreement will be maintained in the department/division.
New College is committed to the principles of equal education and employment opportunities for, and nondiscrimination towards, applicants and employees with respect to race, color, religion, age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and veteran status, as provided by law, and in accordance with New College’s respect for personal dignity.
It is New College’s goal to create and maintain a work and study environment that is positive and free of unlawful discrimination. Further, New College encourages the recognition of the diversity of its population and seeks to promote delivery systems, curricula activities and programs that reflect this diversity in all facets of College life. Unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation are prohibited at the college.
Behavior that constitutes unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation is unacceptable, prohibited, and complaints regarding such behavior should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources.
New College strives to provide a work and study environment for faculty, staff and students that is free of discrimination and free any form of unlawful harassment based on race, color, religion, age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and veteran status, as provided by law, and in accordance with New College’s respect for personal dignity. The environment will be free of sexual harassment and free from implicit and explicit coercive sexual behavior used to control, influence or affect the well-being of any member of the College community.
As part of the effort to create an environment that is comfortable for all people, the college has established this policy: Sexual harassment and discrimination are prohibited at New College. Behavior which constitutes sexual harassment and discrimination is unacceptable and complaints regarding such behavior should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources.
Sexual harassment is prohibited by the college. Sexual harassment can include physical conduct or verbal innuendo of a sexual nature, which has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile or offensive environment and includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education experience;
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment/educational decisions affecting such individual; or
- Such conduct is sufficiently severe and pervasive so as to alter the conditions of, or have the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with, an individual’s work or academic performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment. Sexual harassment also includes any conduct or activity which creates an adverse impact on an employee’s ability to acquire or retain a benefit of employment, which acts to limit a student’s access to, participation in or benefit from an educational program or which creates a hostile or abusive employment or educational environment.
Harassment does not include verbal expression or written material that is relevant and appropriately related to the subject matter of a course/curriculum or to an employee’s duties. This policy is not intended to abridge academic freedom or the college’s educational mission.
New College will not discriminate against its employees on the basis of disability and will provide accessibility and reasonable accommodation to its employees with regard to any aspect of employment including fringe benefits, training, conferences, professional meetings and recreational/social activities sponsored by New College. To request a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), an employee should:
- Submit a written request outlining the requested accommodation(s) to his/her immediate supervisor. Provide a copy of the request to the Director of Human Resources.
- Attach documentation to the written request, including diagnosis of a disability, from the employee’s primary health care practitioner. “Primary health care practitioner” is defined as a medical doctor, psychiatrist or licensed psychologist.
New College of Florida (NCF) complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (Buckley Amendment), which gives students the right to:
- Review and inspect their education records.
- Request the amendment of education records that the student believes
are inaccurate or misleading. - Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosures without consent, and
- Complain to the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by New College of Florida to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Further information about the College’s policy with respect to the privacy of student records may be obtained from the NCF Office of the Registrar.
Regarding the release of a student’s personally identifiable information, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act permits the release of directory information by NCF to:
- School officials with legitimate educational interests, and
- School officials of another school in which the student is, seeks, or intends to enroll. NCF reserves the right to release directory information without prior consent of a student unless notified in writing to the contrary.
The following items are considered by NCF as directory information:
Name, date and place of birth, addresses (including electronic), campus box number, phone numbers, field(s) of study or program(s), dates of attendance, enrollment status, sponsors, participation in officially recognized activities, degrees, awards and honors received, previous schools attended, or post-completion placements.
If you do not wish for your directory information to be released, please notify the Office of the Registrar (PMD-115).
FERPA violations may be reported to:
Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.
Office of the Registrar, 10/07/2005
Taken from: Privacy Policy
Any student employee working in an office with access to student records should be made aware of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). All student employees with access to student records must sign the Work Study Contract and Confidentiality Agreement. Employers need to give the student a copy and keep the original in their files.
Federal work study employees may not work during scheduled class times and may not be excused from class in order to work during scheduled class times. The student must give the supervisor a print out of his/her class schedule so that the supervisor can verify that the employee is not working during classes. These employees may not work more than a total of 20 hours per week while classes are in session (including finals week) during the fall and spring semesters.
The purpose of setting weekly hours is to help spread earnings over the full award period. Variances from the average weekly schedule are not violations of the program, except that students may not work more than 20 hours in one week. Students who earn too much too quickly are often unable to budget funds over the full award period and may find themselves short of money as the semester ends. Departments will be held responsible for funding hours worked in excess of the student’s allowable hours and/or funds, as well as for any overtime hours worked by the student.
Federal work study students are paid minimum wage unless otherwise requested by the supervisor and approved.
It is the policy of New College to comply with state and federal laws regarding meals and breaks. NCWS students are permitted a paid 15-minute rest break for each four-hour work period. While it is not required, the supervisor should not unreasonably deny a paid 15-minute break during a shift of four hours or longer. It is expected that break periods will be taken approximately half way through a shift; breaks cannot be taken at the beginning or end of a shift to arrive late or leave early.
If a Federal work study student works more than 6 continuous hours, he/she is required to take a 30-minute, unpaid rest/meal break. This rest/meal break must be taken away from the student’s work area and not in conjunction with the 15-minute rest break. This 30-minute rest/meal break must be documented on the timesheet. The student and supervisor should discuss break times in advance to allow for the smooth operation of the work area.
Hours in excess of 20 hours per week MAY be approved during official school break periods (e.g. Holiday Break, Spring Break, Fall Break and ISP); however, the student must submit the School Break Period Extra Hours form.
The supervisor must approve the request; Human Resources must also approve the request. Extra hours cannot be guaranteed due to each student’s individual funding. Check your Record of Wages Earned (Fall/Spring) prior to the school break period to ensure that your student can work the desired number of hours. Do not allow students to work for more than 20 hours per week until you have written approval from the Human Resources Department.
Once an employer/employee relationship has been established between a NCWS student and his/her employing department, the student is to be compensated for all hours actually worked. The FLSA, as amended, prohibits employers from accepting voluntary services from any paid employee. A student also cannot participate in a preliminary training period without pay.
A Federal work study employee is not guaranteed continued employment from one semester to the next. The supervisor may end the appointment at any time (see Termination Procedure section).
Federal work study employees are not eligible for paid time off such as vacation, paid holidays, disability leave, funeral leave, sick leave or jury duty leave. However, these are considered reasons for excused absences when coordinated through the supervisor. Such time off is without pay.
Federal work study employees are protected under the state of Florida Workers’ Compensation Program for injuries or illnesses arising out of and in the course of their employment. Workers’ Compensation is a broader coverage than group health insurance. If the injury/illness is accepted as a covered injury/illness, Workers’ Compensation pays the doctor, hospital, and prescription drug bills connected with the injury or illness.
Immediately upon notification of a work related injury or illness, either send the employee to or have them call, Human Resources at x5020. It is imperative that the employee call AmeriSys at 1-800-455-2079 with one of the HR Representatives. This is mandatory. AmeriSys will make arrangements for medical services. For additional information, please read the Worker’s Compensation Procedures. If it is an emergency, call 911 to get immediate medical care.
Employers may require dress codes when they are reasonable and related to the purpose or function of the employing unit. If uniforms are required, the employing unit shall provide them at no extra cost to student employees.
If conflicts arise between these employees and their employers, the employing unit shall make every effort to satisfactorily resolve the issue. Unresolved complaints arising from employment or termination issues should be directed to the Associate Director of Human Resources. NCWS employees have certain complaint rights as non-regular college employees.
Your employer must be satisfied with the work that you are performing.
If your job performance is unsatisfactory, after a suitable trial period, it is your employer’s option to terminate you. An employer may terminate a Work Study student, following the procedure prescribed below:
1. Verbal Warning
A description of this warning and the situation that caused it must be written out and forwarded to the Human Resources Department either by memo or email to be kept in the student’s file.
2. Written Warning
A copy of this warning must be forwarded to the Human Resources Department either by memo or email to be placed in the student’s file.
3. Termination
The Human Resources Department must be informed in writing. All time sheets must be turned in for hours worked up to the termination.
Warnings may result from the following Class B violations:
- Student is late for work or absent without prior notification
- Loitering on the job
- Failure to fulfill job responsibilities in a satisfactory manner
- Other violations listed in the NCF Employee Handbook
Immediate dismissal may be issued for the following Class A violations:
- Dishonesty and/or theft
- Verbal or physical abuse to others, including another Work Study student
- Abuse to New College equipment or property
- Excessive failure to attend classes
- Disclosure of confidential information to unapproved party
- Falsifying time sheets
- Other violations listed in the NCF Employee Handbook
The above violations are not intended to be all inclusive, and do not include all possible violations of proper workplace conduct.
Supervisors are encouraged to provide an orientation for the Federal work study employee to inform him/her about departmental policies, procedures, and the department’s expectations. The orientation should include, but is not limited to:
- Attendance, work hours and tracking hours
- How to correctly fill out time sheets
- Absences and how to report them
- Dress code
- Appropriate work behavior
- Notification to supervisor of changes in award
- Enrollment status
Training is essential in order for the these employees to understand his/her job responsibilities and what is expected of him/her.
The Department’s/Division’s Fiscal Liaison is responsible for submission of Web Time entries to the Human Resources Department. Employers help this process run more smoothly by reviewing entries bi-weekly, checking for completeness and accuracy and submitting them to the Fiscal Liaisons for submission to the Human Resources Department by the established payroll deadline. Improperly completed entries will be returned unprocessed to the Fiscal Liaison for the necessary corrections. The student will not be paid until the Web Time entry is corrected and resubmitted. Late time entries will not be processed until the following payroll period. Students who repetitively turn in late entries or turn in several pay periods at one time may be terminated at the discretion of the Human Resources Department.
Time sheets are done with Web Time entry on Self Service Student.
Student employees must keep their entries up-to-date daily. At the end of each day, students must record their hours and add up the actual time worked. Each work week ends at midnight on Saturday.
Supervisors/department contact persons are responsible for checking each pay period Web Time entry for completeness and accuracy before submission to the Human Resources Department. Improperly completed entries will be returned unprocessed to the Fiscal Liaison for the necessary corrections. The student will not be paid until the entry is corrected and resubmitted.
If your Web Time entry is submitted on time, students that have signed up for direct deposit will receive their pay statements electronically via their NCF e-mail account.
Please note: First time NCWS employees may take a month to receive their first pay statement due to the initial paperwork that is required for processing.
Students should consider these positions as regular jobs. They should work with their supervisors to coordinate a work schedule and meet that schedule. Student workers have a dual responsibility, because they must also maintain satisfactory academic status. Students employed through the New College of Florida Work Study Program have the following specific responsibilities:
- Apply for financial aid each year as soon as possible after October 1 (file the FAFSA) if they wish to continue receiving funds through the New College Work Study Program.
- Complete an Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate (W-4 Form) indicating their tax exemption choice as soon as they are hired. Students who desire to change their exemption status at any time must submit a new W-4 Form to the Human Resources Department.
- Arrive at the department on time and prepared to work.
- Submit Web Time entry, to their supervisors every two weeks by the established payroll deadline. Late entries will delay paychecks until the following pay period (two weeks later).
- Work no more than 20 hours per week unless pre-approved for more hours during a school break period.
- Schedule no work hours during class or exam times.
- Earn no more than the semester awarded amount listed on their work permit. Students should keep up-to-date records on their Record of Wages Earned (Fall/ Spring) to avoid being in danger of earning their allocation before the semester ends. When they have earned their award, students must stop working. Continuing to work will jeopardize both their future financial aid and the college’s eligibility to receive funds.
- Notify their supervisors in advance if they will be absent from work. Frequent absences are a justifiable cause for dismissal.
- Observe the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) policy on confidentiality of student records. Students who have access to student records must not discuss confidential student information with anyone.
- Before quitting a Federal Work Study position, consult with the Human Resources Department and discuss their situation with a staff member.
- Give their supervisor two weeks notice before quitting their job.